Posted by Mandy at 5:23 AM 1 comments
Posted by Mandy at 5:58 PM 6 comments
Posted by Mandy at 5:56 PM 7 comments
Posted by Mandy at 10:04 AM 4 comments
I can't believe that Christmas only a few weeks away! The time is flying by. I am still working on getting a picture for our Christmas cards. The kids are not cooperating very well! That's OK, if I can't get any good shoots, I will be sending the ones with the kids are crying. At least it will show their true frustrations of what I make them go through!
We went to see Santa yesterday at the Mall. Ryan said he was going to talk to Santa and sit on his lap. I was shocked and excited! So we made it into the mall when Ryan started walking really slow, and he didn't look so well. I stopped and asked him what was wrong, and he started to cry. (We weren't even by Santa yet) I asked him what was the matter, and he said he didn't want to see Santa! I told him he didn't have to. I was not going to force him! So we made it to Santa, of course Ryan didn't change his mind. I didn't push him and let him do what he wanted. Madison on the other hand, she is still young enough where she doesn't really know what is going on. So Madison got her picture taken with Santa, ALONE, AGAIN. She sat in Santa's Chair while Santa stood behind her. After that picture we tried one of her sitting on Santa's Lap, No go, she started to cry. But at least we got one of her with Santa. Mike made the comment to me..."Disney World is going to be so fun!" Ya know what, it is and the kids are getting their picture taken with Mickey Mouse even if they are crying...hey maybe it will make for a great Christmas Card for next year!! We have just over a month to "make" Ryan and Madison like humans who dress in costumes!! I don't think it is going to happen! Looks like I will be getting my picture taken with Mickey Mouse instead!!
I know another post WITHOUT pictures. I promise to post pictures later today...if I have the time. It seems it's going to be another long day today!!!
Posted by Mandy at 5:15 AM 7 comments
First I would like to say that I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Ours was great and I really enjoyed Mike having the entire week off. It kinda felt like I was on vacation too! He is so great and we LOVED spending more time with him!
We had our plans set for Thanksgiving. My family on Thanksgiving Day and Mike's family on Friday. This has always worked out great, because there is NO WAY we could do both families on Thanksgiving Day. It usually works out without hardly any complaints. We made it to my parents house on Thanksgiving morning. The kids were so excited about the "party". Madison helped my mom and I cook all day. She snacked on everything. Even though last year was her first Thanksgiving, this was her first Thanksgiving to eat. Last year she was only about 4 months old, so she really didn't eat anything. That girl can eat, and loved everything! When it came time to eat, Madison didn't want to eat anything. I didn't push her because I just thought she was full from snacking all day! Ryan didn't eat much either. I didn't push him because he is a picky eater and just let him do his thing. Well it was a couple hours later, when all the excitement began. I was cleaning up and my mom was playing with Madison, when all of sudden, I hear my name being called. I run to the living room to see Madison getting sick. My mom was holding her and she had gotten sick again. All over Grammie. I felt so bad. I grabbed Madison and ran into the bathroom. She was so scared. I gave her a bath and she was good to go. I thought she had gotten sick because she ate too much. My mom took her and laid with her in bed when again she got sick. Another bath, another change of clothes and she was good to go. In the mean time, Ryan was hanging on my leg and wanted me to hold him. I told my mom, something is not right with him. I put him down and he got sick at my feet. This is when we realized the kids had the flu. Ryan got a bath, a change of clothes and was good to go. So between 6:30 and 8, Madison had gotten sick 6 times and Ryan twice. I had no idea how we were going to get home. We decided to make a break for it...Ryan with a bucket in hand we headed home. Madison got sick once on the way home, before she fell asleep. Ryan fell asleep around the same time. We finally made it home. Got the kids in bed, I started laundry, Mike ran to Meijers for Pedilite and 7 up. Madison got sick only one more time around midnight. Poor girl!! She got the worse of it.
There was no way we were going to make it to Thanksgiving for Mike's family on Friday. We were not going to drive 2 hours there and 2 hours back with 2 sick kids. The 45 minute drive from my parents was hard enough. We needed the day to rest. Especially since I went out with the crazy people shopping Friday morning. Got most of shopping done with a few exceptions. I had a lot of fun with Theresa and My mom. I never thought I would be able to get up mom out the door at 3:45 am to go shopping, but I did! I was proud of her. She kept up with us young girls great! Even though we lost her in Meijers for about 45 minutes. She was probably looking to buy Madison more baby dolls.....I didn't know Madison needed 100 baby dolls for Christmas!! We finally found her sleeping on a bench at the front of Meijers...ok so maybe not sleeping, but that's what we accused her of! She was waiting for us, and we had no idea!! We walked around Meijers for a long time being followed by floor walkers and all!! They probably thought we looked suspicious walking around that store so many times!!
The kids are finally starting to feel better. Madison is still having "issues" but at least we don't' have to follow her around with a bucket!!
Posted by Mandy at 3:14 PM 7 comments
Downtown Holiday Jacket and Pant GIVEAWAY!!!!
The jacket is to die for! I love it! Madison would look so cute in it! I hope to win..it would be so nice to finally win something.
Posted by Mandy at 12:17 PM 3 comments
It's one of those days already. Ryan and Madison are fighting like cats and dogs. He just whipped Madison with his blanket. He has been in my dad's birthday cake all morning. He is very sneaky about it too. Something about the red and black frosting all over his fingers and face tell me he was in the cake. (even though he said he wasn't) Ryan is on his 3rd set of pajamas because he likes to make more laundry for me to do! I asked him why he keeps changing his pajamas and his response was because I like to wear all my jammies! As I type this, Ryan and Madison are putting all their books into Madison's crib! Nice!! I guess at least she will have something to read when she takes her nap this afternoon.
To add to this day, It's snowing out, I have to go to the grocery store and I don't want to! I hate bundling the kids up and venturing out in the snowy weather! I guess I will be talking to Mike about moving somewhere warm when he gets home! Whew...ok now I feel better....I am off to get all the books out of the crib!! I hope everyone elses Monday is going better than mine.
Posted by Mandy at 6:28 AM 8 comments
I didn't take a lot of pictures, I think I was too busy people watching and looking for weirdos. Mya--this is the only picture I have of you, well it was of you and Jennie in a cab, but Jennie looks like a cartoon character, and I don't think she would like to me post that picture..it was great meeting you. You were so much fun!
Oh, One more thing. Kristin gets money for being a great person and giving a man her reservation....Mya and I on the other hand, give a lady 65 cents only to have the same lady ask us for 65 cents again later down the road. We thought we were really helping someone out...that was our good deed for the day, but I really think it was a scam!!
Thanks girls for a great time! I can't wait to do it again! This time we will find OPRAH!!
Posted by Mandy at 6:34 PM 4 comments
Posted by Mandy at 6:31 AM 4 comments
Posted by Mandy at 5:55 PM 4 comments
I about died! I couldn't believe it! I was laughing so hard...of course I had to grab the camera and take a few pictures! Of course, this is all innocent to him, but to most adults, well, um..you have to admit, it's pretty damn funny! I wonder where he gets this stuff from! It must be his dad!!
Thanks again Grammie for the very friendly animals!! I just hope we don't have babies, because I DO NOT have anymore room in my house!!
Posted by Mandy at 5:33 PM 6 comments
I know it's getting time when you are going to be getting a ton of wish lists from many kids. Well, when you get Ryan and Madison's list please consider these photos before full filling their wishes.
These kids have just about every toy Fisher Price makes. Believe it or not, Ryan is always complaining about never having any toys to play with. The kids could start their own band with all the instruments they have. (I must say Madison is pretty good on the piano) Remember Santa, this is only the stuff we have upstairs. Our basement and our garage is full of toys! I don't know why you would bring all these toys for Ryan and Madison each year! It just amazes me! So this year please downsize everything! Maybe a couple cars for Ryan and a couple dolls for Madison. So when you get their list or when they sit on your lap and tell you what they want, just remember these pictures!
Posted by Mandy at 6:45 PM 7 comments
First I would like say thank you everyone who called and everyone who wrote "Get Well" wishes to Madison. Also a BIG HUGE Thank You to my mom who picked up Ryan from preschool today, so I could take Madison to the Doctor. I know Thursday's are a very busy day for her and she didn't even hesitate to do me a favor. Ryan LOVED that HIS Grammie picked him up from school. I guess he ran right into her arms and Mrs. Simon said, well I guess I don't have to ID you! I love it! OK back to Madison...her temperature this morning was 104.5. Up last night with a 104 temp too. Well, first off last Tuesday when she was at the Dr. she was almost 25 pounds, today barely 23 pounds. The Dr. looked at her, and she does have a start of an ear infection and her throat is RAW! As her lymph nodes are swollen. So she is one sick little girl! We got some drugs and hopefully she will be feeling better really soon!! I hate seeing her so sick! Thanks again everyone! Oh and thank you Mom for taking Ryan for the night...I don't think I could have paid him to stay here!
Posted by Mandy at 11:39 AM 3 comments
Posted by Mandy at 4:14 PM 4 comments
Today is the day Mike turns 33. I am sure he doesn't mind me telling the whole blog world how old he is! I am still younger so I can do this!! When I find Mike, I found gold! For anyone who does not know him, he is wonderful! He is absolutely my best friend. He will do anything for anyone at any time of the day! He gave me 2 beautiful children, even though one of them took A LOT of work, he did not complain one bit:). He gives me anything I want. He works hard at his job, even though sometimes people don't' give him credit for it! He truly is a hard worker. The word "Lazy" cannot even fit into a sentence when you talk about him.
Mike and Ryan Mike and Madison
Posted by Mandy at 3:50 AM 6 comments
Sorry about the same picture twice, I couldn't get it outta there! This picture is of Ryan in the smoke house. He insisted he go by himself. It made me sad, because it just shows me that he is growing up and doesn't "need" Mike and I as much as before! He still needs us of course, but just these little things shows us that he is becoming independent!
Posted by Mandy at 7:08 PM 7 comments
Posted by Mandy at 9:57 AM 5 comments
I got this little survey in an e mail from Theresa today, so I thought I would just post it here and answer the questions. Just something fun to do.
Four, Four, Four, Four...
A) Four places that I go to over and over: preschool, Mom's house, work, and Target (I LOVE Target)
B) Four people who e-mail me (regularly): Mike, Theresa, Michelle, and my mom
C) Four of my favorite places to eat: Outback, Olive Garden, Mom's house, and Chen's
D) Four places I would rather be right now: Somewhere really warm, sleeping, (because my kids like to get up BEFORE 6 am), Las Vegas, and probably the mall.
E) Four people I think will respond: Let's hope some people from Blogland!
F) Four TV shows I watch: ER, Super Nanny, General Hospital, and Desperate Housewives
Ok..if you are reading this it's your turn. Copy and paste in your blog and answer!! Have fun!!
Posted by Mandy at 10:54 AM 4 comments
Posted by Mandy at 11:03 AM 10 comments
Well, both Ryan and I have made it through the first full week of preschool! Ryan did really good on Tuesday. He did start to cry as soon as we pulled into the parking lot and walking into school. But it wasn't a "big" cry it was more like just tearing up. Once we made into the classroom, he was hanging on to my leg pretty tight. Another teacher came and took him, and got him interested in something else so I could leave. As I was walking out, he had already settled down and was good to go! (for the record, I only got a little teary eyed) It's hard to hear your child cry, when you know that you can make him stop by comforting him. Thursday was an even better day. Although the tears did start at home this day. He told me "I can't go to school because I am too little." So cute. As soon as we turned down the road that leads to the school he said he didn't want to go. I just changed the subject. We got to school and he did surprisingly well. There were only a couple tears (no tears from mom, yay) and when his teacher saw him, she asked him for a hug and Ryan ran right into her arms. This made me feel so good because this showed me Ryan does feel safe with her. He will not give just anyone a hug. As he was hugging her I left, he was fine! This was a major accomplishment for him! (and for me, for me not to cry!) He really loves school once he gets there and he tells us about his day all day. So he need to get over the anxiety of me leaving him and he will do wonderful!
As for a little Madison update, she is doing great! Talking up a storm, never stops talking. Her vocabulary has grown so much. Everyday she says something new. She has even put together sentences. "Where's Daddy?" "Daddy go Night Night!" I love it! Oh and Daddy's big accomplish is what he taught her. I ask her "Who's girl are you?" She will answer "Dada"and then laugh! He thinks he is so smart!! Don't worry Mike we are working on changing that! hahaha She loves taking Ryan to school. Loves seeing him after his day! She really does miss him when he is gone! But she really enjoys playing with his toys and stuff she is not "allowed" to play with when he is home! These kids really are my life, and I am enjoying life so much right now! I am so thankful and lucky for the family I have!
Posted by Mandy at 4:19 AM 3 comments
Hanging up his backpack!!
Posted by Mandy at 5:42 AM 8 comments