Once the walls were up and roof on, it was time to decorate. I tried to be very "controlling" and explain how it was suppose to be, but Ryan told me I was wrong. So I just let him do it all by himself. I put the frosting on and let him go! He had the best time! I am glad I let him do his thing, because he was very proud of it when he was done. I think it turned out great!!! Well, until I see Jennie's or Kristin's pictures! Then mine will probably look like homeless shelter! (Maybe they will not have time to do theirs!! Ha ha)
After Ryan was done with the Gingerbread House, Mike asked a good question...."Now What?" HMMMM....It still looks cute!!!

It looks good enough to eat...wanna trade for some cookies? HE is SO cute!!! and he looks SO proud in that first picture!!!
By the way...did I tell you how much I like your new Header pic!!! SO PRECIOUS!!! both of their eyes are so BLUE!!! Great Picture!
its much smaller than I envisioned.
Oh and ours is the advent treat for Monday. I have already concidered giving it away to someone else!
But we'll do it. I cant pass up a photo op!
I love the concentration on Ryans face...great shot with the new camera:)
So you girls must have all bought these at Toys R Us the other nigh. How fun.! I love the picture of Ryan focusing so hard on decorating his house. It it so darn cute. The house turned out great too.
It's good to know that I am not alone. We can place both of our house on "Crack Lane". Pick you battles. I am also glad to know that I am not the only one who does not know what to do with the house once it is done. Do we eat it? Look at it? Throw it away? All of the above? Help!!! I have NEVER had/done one of these EVER!!!
Cute pictures by the way!!!
i love it Mandy. :) and your little guy is so cute! merry Christmas!
he did a great job
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