Here she is..................

For the last month, my camera has been giving me problems. The zoom button, was "slipping" and not working right. I never really liked the camera. It was a Canon, and I was really not on great terms with it! So on Saturday night, I was having problems again. I told Mike I needed a new camera. I was not taking the chance of going to Disney World and my camera taking a crap on me! So we decided to call Circuit City to see if we still had the warranty on the camera. We bought the camera just over 2 years ago, and got the protection plan with it. We usually don't get the protection plan, but with having kids, we thought it was a good idea. Luckily we did. However, we had to have the box, and EVERYTHING that came with the camera. Of course, we were never told this was when we bought the protection plan. Being 2 greatly organized people (not really)..we had kept EVERYTHING. This was a shock, because we usually throw everything away. So we packed up the old camera and headed to Circuit City. I hate Circuit City. I hate them! I was going in ready to fight. We went in, talked to a guy, and since the camera was 2 years old they just gave us money on gift card to pick out a new camera. So I had 475.00 buck a roos to pick out what I wanted! I debated, between a regular digital and a SLR. I really wanted an SLR, but I just don't have the time to figure everything out before the holidays and before our trip! So I settled for this camera. It is great! I LOVE IT!!! It has a smile button on it and when the kids smile it will take the picture automatically. (have to get them to smile first, arghhhh) I have been taking pictures of any and everything, to try to get the "feel" of the camera. It takes me a long time to get comfortable with a new camera. But I love it!
We are not ones to spend the extra money on these protection plans these places offer..but I am sure glad we did with this one.
No other pictures yet, I am still trying to figure out how to get the pictures off the camera and on the computer....Mike can not get home soon enough!!!!
Holy crap thats lucky!
Perfect camera, kinda like mine(except newer and Sony) I think. I have also been on the fence for the SLR, and agree that I do not have the time to rally learn it. I just take every chance I get to learn to take decent pics that are not in need of photoshop.
Have fun! Cant wait to see what kind of shots you get!
Congrats on the new camera. It is so nice to have a good camera. There is nothing lie photos to "remember" a moment. At the end of the day, it is all you have. Enjoy!! Keep the pictures coming!!!
That sounds like a great camera. How lucky that you saved the box! I will have to remember that about them warranty's. We usually throw out boxes after we buy things. Places will use any little excuse not to honor them. Have a wonderful time at Disney, I cant wait to see some of the great pics you take with your brand new camera! =)
nice, Mandy!! :)
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