Last Saturday a small group of friends decided to go on a girls only shopping trip to Chicago. We all had to make purchases at the American Girl Store for Christmas, so instead of paying the high shipping, we decided to go and get away for the day! ALL of us really needed this time away. We all have kids, who we all love dearly, but us moms need a break too!

We began our day at 5 am. I don't think we stopped laughing until 2 am when we got home! It was the best time I have had away from home in a long time! (even though we didn't get to see Oprah) We had some great pizza for lunch..I can't remember the name of the place, (Kristin, you have to help me out here) but it was great. We also found the best popcorn. I guess people will line up for blocks to get this stuff, and Oprah loves it too, so it must be the best!! We did some shopping all around. We even went to a scrapbook place that was off the beaten path. I kept looking at Jennie with a very concerned look on my face, and of course she kept assuring me that we were ok! I just get a little scared when there are places with boards over the windows and Michael Jackson is walking down the road. Ok so not really Michael Jackson, but Kristin said it was him! TOO SCARY!!

At the end of the day we finally made it to the American Girl store. We all made our purchases and were very happy that we made this our last stop! Jennie bought enough to start her our store out of her house! We had a lot of bags!!
We decided to eat at the Cheesecake Factory, which was delicious! Thanks to Kristin and her mom for the extra money for drinks!! Here is the story behind Kristin's mom "Raising her Right". We went to the restaurant to get a table. She put her name in downstairs, I put my name upstairs. Which ever one called our name first, that's where we were going to eat. Well, after waiting about 45 minutes, we were told our table upstairs was just about ready. Well, we still had our other pager for downstairs. Kristin said she was not going to waste it and give it back to the hostess she was going to give it to the next person who walked in the door. So she did. The man and his wife thanked her and went downstairs. (they probably had a 10 minute wait compared to a 70 minute wait like everyone else) We got to our table and got "settled" in when this guy walks up and says to Kristin...."You are Kristin?" I think we all about died, because we didn't know how this guy knew Kristin. The we realized it was the guy she gave the pager to. (we forgot we told him the reservation was under Kristin). He thanked her and pulled out his wallet...He threw money on the table and said buy drinks on me! It was so amazing! He was so thankful what Kristin had done (and so were we). So here is a picture of Kristin with her Money!! What a great way to end a perfect day!

I didn't take a lot of pictures, I think I was too busy people watching and looking for weirdos. Mya--this is the only picture I have of you, well it was of you and Jennie in a cab, but Jennie looks like a cartoon character, and I don't think she would like to me post that picture..it was great meeting you. You were so much fun!
Oh, One more thing. Kristin gets money for being a great person and giving a man her reservation....Mya and I on the other hand, give a lady 65 cents only to have the same lady ask us for 65 cents again later down the road. We thought we were really helping someone out...that was our good deed for the day, but I really think it was a scam!!
Thanks girls for a great time! I can't wait to do it again! This time we will find OPRAH!!
Did you get my pictures...I took a pic of the pizza place we ate at for lunch! Let me check...Pizzeria DUE...it sure was good!!! lots of fun...Thanx ladies!!! I still have to post mine...You could have stolen my pics...I just wanted you to send me you pics...you didn't need to blog it! I'll get mine up soon!!!
how tempted were you to post that?
I missed Michael Jackson. I've never really been a fan.
It wasnt as bad as my chaperone to the basement bathroom...
hey guys - thanks for sharing your pictures, it looks like you had such a wonderful time! I can totally picture your crazy adventures.
I am still shocked at the guy giving Kristin money...! What a great story about "paying it forward"...
You all deserved a great day of friendship and shopping - way to celebrate!
Okay so I seriously laughed out loud when I read your post. That darn old woman who I thought needed money for the train. I will NEVER share with someone who is asking if we could "spare .65 cents" again. Too creepy.
Jenn I am with you - I miss Michael Jackson too. Darn it - I have always wanted to learn some of his moves. J/K
So when shall we plan our next trip?
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