Today was Ryan's first Halloween party at school! He was so excited all week. (I think I was just as excited as he was) I was so impressed with all of his singing! I love watching all the little ones sing and dance. We loved every minute of it! Mrs. Simon and Miss Bell really did a great job and I give them so much credit. Having 18 3 year olds all in one room and all under control is very impressive!

Ryan was so excited to see Daddy, Grammie and Papa at his party. I guess Me and Madison are the ones who drop him off and pick him up everyday, so we are pretty boring, but when Daddy, Grammie, and Papa come...LOOK OUT!! Gotta love him!!

As I look at the video and the pictures I took today, I have to admit I got a little teary eyed because I am seeing him grow up to be a very independent little boy! Mrs. Simon stopped Mike and I on the way out today and said, "He doesn't look like the little boy who walked in here in September, does he?" And he doesn't, he has grown so much in the last 2 months! In September he was the little boy who didn't want to go to school, didn't want me to leave, and would cry when I would leave. Now he wants to go to school, he doesn't care that I leave (he still requires a big hug and a big kiss before I leave), and he does not have any tears when I leave! What a difference 2 months and a great teacher make!! (now let's hope Mrs. Simon is around for when Madison goes to school, fingers crossed!!)

How cute!!! I am so glad he had a great time!!! But what else would you expect, it IS HALLOWEEN!!!
What a GREAT costume!!! can I borrow it next year for Ben? (J/K)
Oh, Mandy - he is getting so big!
You will still have lots of Halloween Parties left, though...
He has great teachers, yes - but you and Mike are wonderful parents as well!
Have a great time tonight and Happy Trick Or Treating! I can't believe how beautiful it is outside - we haven't had such a beautiful halloween like this in years! Take lots of pictures! and I will tell Annie to send you some of Miss Emma dressed up as a Flamingo...
You are right, he has turned into suc a big boy. You should be very proud...you are an excellent mother!!! (Mike is a great Dad too...sorry I dodn't say that in the last sentence, but this is YOUR blog:)!)
how fun, he looks adorable in his costume!!
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