Usually I am ready for the weekend. Cannot wait for it to get here! Well, this weekend was a little different! Friday, I was taking a shower when Ryan came into the bathroom and had to go potty. After he was done, the toilet starting bubbling. It has happen before so I knew what was wrong. Damn Sewer or as Eddie would say in Christmas Vacation "Shitter was full". So I told Ryan to just step back and not flush the toilet. What does he do, yup he flushes the toilet. The toilet starts to over flow. I jump out of the shower and turn the water off at the toilet. No prblem. I figured we would wait for Mike to get home, tell him what happened and have him call Roto Rooter!!
Mike gets home and calls Roto Rooter. They say they will be here in about an hour. I thought, wow that's great on a Friday night. So around 4:30 he shows up...brings in his big machine and begins doing his thing. The kids didn't like the machine and it was loud, so we hung out in my bedroom. At one point, Madison wanted out and to see what was going on. I open the door and I look at Mike and he gestures for me to be quiet. All I could hear was hissing. Then I hear the Roto Rooter guy say something about hissing outside and inside and he smells gas. Then he says he is feeling light headed. (He was talking to his office on the phone, and it was a 2 way radio.) The next thing I hear was the lady on the other end say, if you smell gas and hear hissing, you need to get out asap because that place could blow. She said to call 911 and get out. I went into freak mode!! I grabbed the kids and ran to the neighbors. Mike followed. Explained to our neighbor what was going on and asked if me and the kids could stay for bit. In the meantime, the fire department was arriving And then Mich Con. As I watched from the neighbors window, all I could think about was our house exploding. Mike came over to check on us and I told him to grab the computer with all my pictures on it, just in case! I know, crazy, but they were letting him back in the house because they didn't smell any gas in there and they said it was safe to go in. So Mike grabbed our little hard drive just in case.
Well, to make a long story short, the gas line went through the sewer line and when Roto Rooter was cleaning out the sewer line he hit the gas line. They finally found the leak after digging up the side of our yard. They had to bring in a back hoe to dig up the yard. So finally at 9:30 everyone was gone. My mom had happened to call and see how things were going in the midst of all this and Mike filled her in. She was on her way home from work and turned around to come get the kids. Thank goodness! So there we are at 9:30 with a house with dirt tracks all through it, no water, of course no sewer. We got the all clear to stay in the house, but we chose not to because of not having water or a toilet to pee in.
The next day we called Roto Rooter to have them come back out to fix everything and put it all back together. We were finally up and running around 2 pm but broke. We had to shell out 700 bucks for this whole mishap. However, it was all Mich Con fault for running the gas line in the sewer line in the first place, so we will be calling them in the morning for total reinbursment. I will let you know how that goes after the call! Let's just say we are ready to put up a HUGE FIGHT! 

Here is one picture of Mich Con out in front of our house. I didn't get any pictures of the fire department because I didn't have my camera. I wanted a picture of all the lights and all the excitement. This will have to do!!
Holy CRAP!!! Wow sounds exciting! well I am glad it all ended up working out...and cannot wait to hear how it goes with Mich-CON! Luck with that! Hope next week goes better!
oh yeah! I LOVE your new hearder pic!!! the kids are TOO CUTE!!! AWESOME PIC!!! (is it the chirstmas card one?)
I cannot believe it, Michcon certainly should be paying this. Unreal. $700? CRAP. Whoa.
Love the Uncle Eddie reference. I'm feeling it.
THis is going to be a great week...its gotta be:)
I dont know what you would need, but if you need help with anything(kids, dog whatever), let me know.
Sounds like you had all sorts of excitement!! Glad to hear everything is ok - and hopefully you'll get your money back from Mich Con!
I am so sorry this happened, but didn't it make a great blog entry:)? I know that is what you were thinking the whole time...can't wait to get on the computer and tell me girls this story!!!
I am glad that everyone is ok, including the house. Good luck on getting them to pay for their mistake.
Take care and please, do not flush your toilet again this close to Christmas and will have no money for these things:)!
Wow Mandy what a crappy (literally) night! Glad everything turned out okay and your family is safe, sounds like it could of went from bad to worse. Any luck with Mich-con? They owe you big time for that one!
DANG!!! I cannot believe all that! Lukas would have wanted to be right out there with those trucks! Good thing you have wonderful neighbors (like I do!)...
Glad everyone is ok...and for $700, I'd definately be putting up a fight. On the other hand, at least everyone is ok.
Unbelievable, Mandy!! i hope that everything was sorted out!!!
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