Today was the annual Pumpkin Roll in Montague. It's always a great time, hectic, but a good time. Well, this year was no exception. There were tons of (rude) people and lots of strollers. It is fun though, I really don't think they can be any more organized than they are. This was Ryan's 3rd time doing it and Madison's 1st. Ryan LOVES it, he was so excited this morning and couldn't wait to get to the big hill. It was great weather too! We started early so it was a bit cooler, but by 11am it was nice and warm.

I ran into my cousin's wife Amanda and her two boys. We stuck together and then once the kids rolled the pumpkins we kinda lost her. Like I said there were tons of people there! But I am glad our kids got to hang out and eat cookies before the event started.
Mike was the lucky one who got to stand in the herd of people with the kids and wait for starting time. I told him he could do this year, because I got to do it the last 2 years. I was able to stand on the sidelines and try to get some pictures . It was hard but I was able to get some good shots. It was great fun, but I was also glad to get out of there right after the kids rolled their pumpkins!

After the pumpkin roll we had plans to go to the Norton Shores fire department open house. This open house is by far the best in the county. It is organized great and they have great activities for the kids. The kids were able to shot a fire hose, go in a smoke house, and go for a fire truck ride. I asked the driver if Ryan and I could ride in the front and he told us to jump on in. Ryan LOVED riding in the front. He was able to pull the horn whenever he wanted and thought he was pretty special to be up front when Daddy and Madison had to ride in the back! He did keep checking on Madison to make sure she didn't fall off!

Sorry about the same picture twice, I couldn't get it outta there! This picture is of Ryan in the smoke house. He insisted he go by himself. It made me sad, because it just shows me that he is growing up and doesn't "need" Mike and I as much as before! He still needs us of course, but just these little things shows us that he is becoming independent! 
oh how cool... today was such perfect weather! Ryan looks so serious in his pictures - he definitely is getting older, but I think it is so sweet how he watches out for Madison. You and Mike are raising two sweethearts (and very cute if I must say...)
Thanks for sharing the pictures...
love ya!
It sounds like you guys had a fun filled day. I give you lots of kudos for taking the kids to the pumpkin roll. We did it one year, it was fun, but CRAZY!!! Like you said, I don't think they can get it more organized, it is just A LOT of people in a very small space!
Hope rest of your weekend was just as fun. For the record, I agree with Jen, you are raising very sweet kids (that are SO CUTE) and have confidence in themselves. That is a great trait to "teach" your children.
You have to be a little crazy to go to the Pumpkin Roll year after year! Well you obviously have a very patient husband(of which I do not)and also some self control yourself(I have felt the need to punch rude parents in the face)!
HOw do I not know of the norton shore fire dept thing? That is so cool! The kids with the hose are the bestest photos!
Glad you had such a great time!!! I agree with Freedo, I would like to punch rude parents also! We did the FD thing up here too, but there wasn't any RIDES:.( BUMMER!!!
I'm SO glad we ran into you!! Sorry we lost you, but we had to get back up the hill for Josh and it took FOREVER for it to be his turn! He didn't roll until noon!!!!!
It was fun to go - now I know I need 2 people for sure for the Pumpkin Roll! I'm glad my step-brother came with me!! If you got any good pics of my boys, will you email them to me?
Thanks again - I would have been really lost without ya!!!
I have never taken my kids to the pumpkin roll, how crazy is that? We have always had a game or something. I had no idea about the norton shores fire dept open house, we went to the blue lake one and the Whitehall one and my kids had a great time at both. Looks like the kids had a great time.
Great pictures Mandy!! We wanted to go to the pumpkin roll (we've never gone) but kendall had a game.
I wish I would have known about the Norton Shores Fire Dept thing because we were right over in that neighborhood on Sat! I will have to watch out for it next year I guess =)
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