Since it was Madison's birthday a few weeks ago, she got quite a bit of attention out her in blog land. So today I am going to talk about Ryan! Ryan is so full of life! He is so energetic and amazing. I love to watch him, in whatever he does. He amazes me everyday. For example the other night at dinner, he was eating an onion ring and said "This looks like an 'O'." Very good Ryan! Then he took a bite. He said "Now it looks like a 'C'." Again, very good Ryan! The he began to tell us that caterpillar starts with C. I was very impressed! This just goes to show me that he does actually listen to me when I tell him things, or read to him, and explain everything to him when he always ask "Why?"
Ryan however does have a few people fooled! You can look at him and think he is all sweet and innocent (which 1/2 the time he is) but with the flick of a switch that boy can stir up some trouble. He is all boy and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Here is an example of the trouble that "finds him." We went to the beach one day a few weeks ago. Once we were done and were back at the van packing up, I got the baby powder out and started putting it on the kids legs, arms, feet, etc. (If you didn't know baby powder takes sand off of you so easy! That way we can leave the sand at the beach and not bring it back home) Well, Ryan of course had one million questions about what I was doing. So I explained it all to him. End of story. So I thought! That night when I put him to bed it was awfully quiet in his room. Usually he jabbers to himself before going to sleep. I decided to check on him. Luckily I did, because he had gotten out the bottle of baby powder and had "sprinkled" in all over his room. I walked in there and there he was holding the bottle of baby powder saying "Sorry Mama". I couldn't help but laugh. I got the vacuum out and cleaned up his mess. Let's just say this mess was a little easier to clean up than the mess of vics baby rub that he was "making hot chocolate" with the day before! Gotta love him!!
Here are a few recent pictures of MY boy! Love you Ry Ry!!
Ryan wanted to have his towel on his head just like I do. Silly boy! This picture could come in handy later down the road!

Playing at the beach!

Ryan is constantly on the go from the time he gets up to the time he goes to bed. Looks like he must have had an exhausting day!!
he is adorable, gotta love those little boys.. cherish him because you know it he will be 10 and you will be asking yourself where the time has gone.
Thanks for talking about Ryan. It seems like a really GREAT kid...most have got them from his mom!!!!
Thank you also for the baby powder tick...I had no idea...can't wait to try it out.
We have also experienced "the mess". Isaac used desitin to finger paint my basement. Let's just say desitin does not come off with water!!!!
He sounds like quite the character!! My middle one sounds a lot like him. We call her "Silent but deadly" When things are quiet that's when you need to get worried!! =) Good thing he's so cute, you can't help but smile just a little when you see the aftermath of there silence! LOL
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