I had a scheduled c-section on July 12th at 8 am. Had to be to the hospital at 5am. After 3 failed attempts to get my IV in, they finally got it right! I almost past out and was ready to go home after that! I asked that my mom and dad would bring Ryan up to see me before I went into surgery. So around 7:30 they arrived, I wanted to see him "just in case". I got to hang out with Ryan for about awhile before they wheeled me away. As they started to take me away, Ryan started crying, which in turned made me cry. I know this was probably really selfish of me for him to go through this, but you never know what could happen. He was fine after about 5 nurses came to his rescue with snacks and juice!
Madison was born at 8:30 am. It was the best thing to hear her cry! I cried, Mike cried , I saw her for a minute and they took her away! I was stitched and set to recovery! During this pregnancy I had Gestational Diabetes, so Madison had to keep getting poked in her heal to check her blood sugar. I think it took about 2 hours before I got to see or hold her. She had a few sugar issues at first. They even talked about putting an IV in her if her levels did not go up. I was a mess. Getting all this information while I could do nothing. I wanted to be there with her, but I couldn't. Mike ended up having to feed her a bottle to try to get things right!
Finally, I was able to hold my little girl!! Mike assured me he followed my number one rule! The rule was NO ONE was allowed to hold before me (well except mike of course). This was a rule with Ryan too! I know selfish again, but I carried this little girl for 9 months so I deserved to hold her first!! Madison weighed in at 7 lbs 8 oz and was 20 in long. She was/is perfect and I couldn't ask for a more beautiful little baby!
This was right before we left for the hospital.
Proud Daddy feeding his girl, trying to get her sugar levels up! The nurse was so great about taking these pictures for us!
Here she is!! Madison Elizabeth! So precious!
Oh how precious!!! What a great idea - I can barely remember when the boys were that little!!
I really can't believe she is going to be one already! Doesn't it seem like time just keeps going faster and faster?!
Thank you for sharing your story. I LOVE to here other moms' experiences! She is such a beauty!
Thank you for sharing the "Madison story". I love to hear baby stories. It makes up for not having more of my own:)! I love the pictures as well. She is one of the cutest "new" babies I have even seen. Thanks for "keeping up" with the blog:)!!!!
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