Posted by Mandy at 5:55 PM 4 comments
I about died! I couldn't believe it! I was laughing so hard...of course I had to grab the camera and take a few pictures! Of course, this is all innocent to him, but to most adults, well, um..you have to admit, it's pretty damn funny! I wonder where he gets this stuff from! It must be his dad!!
Thanks again Grammie for the very friendly animals!! I just hope we don't have babies, because I DO NOT have anymore room in my house!!
Posted by Mandy at 5:33 PM 6 comments
I know it's getting time when you are going to be getting a ton of wish lists from many kids. Well, when you get Ryan and Madison's list please consider these photos before full filling their wishes.
These kids have just about every toy Fisher Price makes. Believe it or not, Ryan is always complaining about never having any toys to play with. The kids could start their own band with all the instruments they have. (I must say Madison is pretty good on the piano) Remember Santa, this is only the stuff we have upstairs. Our basement and our garage is full of toys! I don't know why you would bring all these toys for Ryan and Madison each year! It just amazes me! So this year please downsize everything! Maybe a couple cars for Ryan and a couple dolls for Madison. So when you get their list or when they sit on your lap and tell you what they want, just remember these pictures!
Posted by Mandy at 6:45 PM 7 comments
First I would like say thank you everyone who called and everyone who wrote "Get Well" wishes to Madison. Also a BIG HUGE Thank You to my mom who picked up Ryan from preschool today, so I could take Madison to the Doctor. I know Thursday's are a very busy day for her and she didn't even hesitate to do me a favor. Ryan LOVED that HIS Grammie picked him up from school. I guess he ran right into her arms and Mrs. Simon said, well I guess I don't have to ID you! I love it! OK back to Madison...her temperature this morning was 104.5. Up last night with a 104 temp too. Well, first off last Tuesday when she was at the Dr. she was almost 25 pounds, today barely 23 pounds. The Dr. looked at her, and she does have a start of an ear infection and her throat is RAW! As her lymph nodes are swollen. So she is one sick little girl! We got some drugs and hopefully she will be feeling better really soon!! I hate seeing her so sick! Thanks again everyone! Oh and thank you Mom for taking Ryan for the night...I don't think I could have paid him to stay here!
Posted by Mandy at 11:39 AM 3 comments
Posted by Mandy at 4:14 PM 4 comments
Today is the day Mike turns 33. I am sure he doesn't mind me telling the whole blog world how old he is! I am still younger so I can do this!! When I find Mike, I found gold! For anyone who does not know him, he is wonderful! He is absolutely my best friend. He will do anything for anyone at any time of the day! He gave me 2 beautiful children, even though one of them took A LOT of work, he did not complain one bit:). He gives me anything I want. He works hard at his job, even though sometimes people don't' give him credit for it! He truly is a hard worker. The word "Lazy" cannot even fit into a sentence when you talk about him.
Mike and Ryan Mike and Madison
Posted by Mandy at 3:50 AM 6 comments
Sorry about the same picture twice, I couldn't get it outta there! This picture is of Ryan in the smoke house. He insisted he go by himself. It made me sad, because it just shows me that he is growing up and doesn't "need" Mike and I as much as before! He still needs us of course, but just these little things shows us that he is becoming independent!
Posted by Mandy at 7:08 PM 7 comments
Posted by Mandy at 9:57 AM 5 comments