I know, I was doing so good after vaca with my blogs, and then I stopped. I still had one more park to share with everyone. But I got in a funk and just stopped blogging! So here I am, 2 weeks later, trying to remember everything. As I look back, it all seems like a blur! We were just so busy everyday! We have decided that we will not do that again. We will take a longer vaca next time we go. But in the meantime, I don't think we will go back for a couple of years, when Madison is older. Plus there are other places to see in the meantime!!

As for the Animal Kingdom, it's one of my favorite parks! We had a great time. It was cold that day. I do remember it being cold. We started the day at Donald's Safari Breakfast. It was a great buffet, however, we were so RUSHED. They rushed us out of there so fast. We just sat down to eat, and they brought out the characters, at that point the kids were done. Then once the characters got to our table they rushed through everything. Every other dinner with the characters was not like this! We managed and I guess we were in and out in no time. Mike loved the buffet of Krispy Creme Donuts, as did the kids.

We started the day at the Lion King show which was amazing. It was absolutely wonderful! The kids loved it! It was a great way to start out the day. we met some characters on the way out. Ryan was excited to meet Chip and Dale. Madison, well we had to go see Goofy AGAIN!

We didn't do "It's tough to be a Bug" because of the kids being scared at the last 3-D show. So we didn't even attempt it! That is one of my favorite shows, but we didn't need 2 little boys freaking out again! Ryan and Madison had a great time on the Safari, which is also one of my favorites. Us big kids rode the Yeti ride (can't remember the real name). Which was fun, but I think I realized, I am getting too old for these kids of rides. (it was a roller coaster type of ride)

The parade was great! I loved everything about it! It was Austin's birthday while we were there, and it was amazing how everyone would come up to him and tell him Happy Birthday. Even people in the parade would come up to him and say "Happy Birthday Austin"! It was so great, and Austin loved it. What kid does not like being able to celebrate their birthday for a whole week?!

We hit the Finding Nemo musical on our way out, which was another great show! The kids loved it! Well, Madison did fall asleep, but it had been a long day!

These last 3 pictures are what happened every night after our long days! The kids basically just crashed. Daddy was even tired after the long days. What can I say, we had things to do and people to see! We had to keep going!!!
Awe, love the last 3 pics of all your "kids" and their blankies!
I am exhausted just following your posts. I am not sure I am cut out for Disney.
Isn't is crazy how fast time goes...how part of you just wants to go back to be able to slow things down and enjoy it and the other half is like...not for a VERY LONG time!
I love Disney, but...
Animal Kingdom is my favorite of all the parks...glad you guys had a great time!!
How fun!!
looks like a blast! and I also love the last 3 pictures of Mike and the kids all tuckered out! Makes you want to stay that busy all the time just so they will nap and sleep that good!
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