I got this little survey in an e mail from Theresa today, so I thought I would just post it here and answer the questions. Just something fun to do.
Four, Four, Four, Four...
A) Four places that I go to over and over: preschool, Mom's house, work, and Target (I LOVE Target)
B) Four people who e-mail me (regularly): Mike, Theresa, Michelle, and my mom
C) Four of my favorite places to eat: Outback, Olive Garden, Mom's house, and Chen's
D) Four places I would rather be right now: Somewhere really warm, sleeping, (because my kids like to get up BEFORE 6 am), Las Vegas, and probably the mall.
E) Four people I think will respond: Let's hope some people from Blogland!
F) Four TV shows I watch: ER, Super Nanny, General Hospital, and Desperate Housewives
Ok..if you are reading this it's your turn. Copy and paste in your blog and answer!! Have fun!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Something little
Posted by Mandy at 10:54 AM 4 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
No More Paci for Madison
Posted by Mandy at 11:03 AM 10 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
First Full week of Preschool.......DONE!
Well, both Ryan and I have made it through the first full week of preschool! Ryan did really good on Tuesday. He did start to cry as soon as we pulled into the parking lot and walking into school. But it wasn't a "big" cry it was more like just tearing up. Once we made into the classroom, he was hanging on to my leg pretty tight. Another teacher came and took him, and got him interested in something else so I could leave. As I was walking out, he had already settled down and was good to go! (for the record, I only got a little teary eyed) It's hard to hear your child cry, when you know that you can make him stop by comforting him. Thursday was an even better day. Although the tears did start at home this day. He told me "I can't go to school because I am too little." So cute. As soon as we turned down the road that leads to the school he said he didn't want to go. I just changed the subject. We got to school and he did surprisingly well. There were only a couple tears (no tears from mom, yay) and when his teacher saw him, she asked him for a hug and Ryan ran right into her arms. This made me feel so good because this showed me Ryan does feel safe with her. He will not give just anyone a hug. As he was hugging her I left, he was fine! This was a major accomplishment for him! (and for me, for me not to cry!) He really loves school once he gets there and he tells us about his day all day. So he need to get over the anxiety of me leaving him and he will do wonderful!
As for a little Madison update, she is doing great! Talking up a storm, never stops talking. Her vocabulary has grown so much. Everyday she says something new. She has even put together sentences. "Where's Daddy?" "Daddy go Night Night!" I love it! Oh and Daddy's big accomplish is what he taught her. I ask her "Who's girl are you?" She will answer "Dada"and then laugh! He thinks he is so smart!! Don't worry Mike we are working on changing that! hahaha She loves taking Ryan to school. Loves seeing him after his day! She really does miss him when he is gone! But she really enjoys playing with his toys and stuff she is not "allowed" to play with when he is home! These kids really are my life, and I am enjoying life so much right now! I am so thankful and lucky for the family I have!
Posted by Mandy at 4:19 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Ryan's 1st day of preschool!
Ryan did very good at school. His first day was only an hour long and we got to stay with him. Mike took the day off of work to support me. Well, I didn't know that we got to stay with him on the first day until after Mike took the day off of work or I would have had him take Thursday off of work. Thursday is going to be a different story. It's going to be a very hard day. Before we left his school on Tuesday, Ryan and his friends were sitting on the rug listening to the teacher. Mrs. Simon was talking about the end of the day routine to the children. Then she started talking to the parents about what to do on Thursday. How we need to just drop the kids off and walk out the door and don't look back. Well, apparently Ryan thought she was telling us we could go, because he started crying right there! I felt so bad for and still have the picture of him covering his eyes and crying. It brings tears to my eyes right now! I went over to him and told him I wasn't going anywhere and he was leaving with us today. Poor kid. Like I said it's going to be rough on Thursday. Thank goodness I will have Madison to lean on!!!

Hanging up his backpack!!

Posted by Mandy at 5:42 AM 8 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
End of summer Zoo trip

Madison is almost as tall as this giraffe.
Ryan loved the drinking fountains. Last year he hated them....this year we had to stop and a take a drink every time we passed it!!
Ryan and the elephant.

The kids riding the cow!
Madison was not too sure of the petting zoo. But who really enjoys touching stinky animals!!
I think Ryan forgot that the giraffe had a big tongue! I love his expression on his face!
Ryan feeding the giraffe!
Look at that tongue!!
Madison LOVED touching the tongue!!
Posted by Mandy at 6:33 PM 2 comments
Uncle Chris and Aunt Heather come to visit
Mike's brother Chris and his girlfriend Heather decided to come across Lake Michigan on the Lake Express Ferry to come for a visit. We were very excited to be able to take Ryan and Madison down to the channel to watch the boat come in. Ryan and I made a sign to welcome them to Muskegon. It was a little hard for Ryan to understand that Uncle Chris and Aunt Heather's car was on the boat too. He was shocked to see their car on the boat. Ryan really does enjoy it when Uncle Chris comes to visit. Chris always has "new" things to teach the kids. I just hope Ryan doesn't decide to share all these ideas to his friends at preschool!The kids waiting for the boat! Ryan looks like he has been waiting forever, but it had only been about 5 minutes!

Here comes the Boat Ryan, get your sign ready!! He was so excited!! Notice Madison in the back, She was happy as long as she had food.
He finally made it!! "HI UNCLE CHRIS"!!! (Aunt Heather had to go down to where the car was to drive it off)
The kids waiting for Uncle Chris to get off the boat!
Thanks for the visit Chris and Heather, we all enjoyed having you here!!
Posted by Mandy at 5:54 PM 1 comments
Playing catch up.......AGAIN

These pictures were taken from very far away, so they are not the best quality. But you get the point. Ryan looks like he is really scared, but he actually LOVED it! He also took us on the pirate ship (I think that is what it is called) and I really think getting old is taking a toll on me. I use to be able to handle all of these rides, and after this one, I felt a little queasy.
Ryan did a great job taking care of Madison on the rides. He really felt important when we asked him if he would take care of her on the ride. This is unusual because he usually does not want much to do with her at home. This just goes to show that he really DOES love her.

Ryan was the boss though, there were certain things Madison could NOT touch. That was the bells and all the buttons on the rides. This was his job! She did get her way a couple times though.
I think Madison had more fun in the water park. Ryan was just he opposite. Ryan was very scared of the water. I don't know where this is coming from because we have had this kid in swimming since 6 months old. But I guess as kids get older they develop fears. Water, I guess is one of his fears. He has come around a lot this summer though. Madison on the other hand had NO FEAR. She loves the water and just thought she could take off and go! She even liked to drink the water. I guess she likes the taste of chlorine!
Just look at this pouty boy! He said he was done swimming and wanted to take a NAP!! That really tells you how much fun he had in the water park!! hahahaha....gotta love Ryan!!! We really had a great time and it works out great that the park is only 5 minutes from home. At the end of the day a 5 minute drive home is great!!!
Posted by Mandy at 5:03 PM 1 comments