I was driving Ryan to school on Tuesday when I noticed on Barry's Greenhouse sign that they had GREEN Carnations. Ryan's favorite color is green, so I thought I would stop and pick up a few flowers for him and Madison. So before we picked him up from School Madison and I stopped and got 4 carnations, 2 for each kid. When Ryan got in the van after school he was so excited. I don't know if he was more excited for the flowers or for the fact that they were green!! He knew exactly what to do with them when he got home...he got out a vase and told me to put water in it. Next he put the flowers in there and told Madison she could not touch them! He checks on his flowers throughout the day to see if they need water and to make sure they are ok!! What a great kid!!

See...he learned to be nurturing from his good Mommy!!!!
what a great mother you are! Love the pics of them with one of their carnations.
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