I have not had a chance to update what we have been doing lately! Everything seems to pick up and get really busy as summer approaches!! I am very excited for spring/summer so the kids can get outside. We loved those couple of days with great weather! It's hard for a 4 year old and a 1 year old to understand that now it's back to crappy weather and we really shouldn't go outside when it's this cold!! With that being said we found a great place in Holland. It's called Deanna's Playhouse. It is just awesome! We meet my cousin Annie and her two kids, Emma and Luke! Ryan and Emma had a great time playing together! There is so much to do here. They have an art room, (the kids made Easter Eggs), a music room with every kind of instrument, a stage where the kids can dress up and then get on stage and perform, a huge submarine in the middle of the room, a bank, a grocery store (Meijer), a playhouse, and many ride on toys the kids could race around the room. It truly is a great place. What I really liked was they also had a little cafe. You can bring your lunch with you or you can leave and eat lunch and then come back! How great!! We had so much fun and cannot wait to go back!

Meijer....Ryan loved shopping!

Madison and Ryan in the submarine
Emma playing dress up!
Luke playing with a ball! I was so surprised they had so much for him to do there!
Emma giving Madison a push around the room!
Ryan and Emma decorating their eggs!
fun! We should try it out sometime. It looks a lot like the Children's Museum in GR...fun place too.
Love it, you always do such fun things with your kids...
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