ok..so I have been informed I am way behind on this blog! I know this! However, things are busy. With the weather getting nicer we are outside more burning off energy! So I don't spend too much time inside. Let's see what I have missed:
#1 Ryan's 4th Birthday...(cancel the mother of the year award banquet, it ain't happenin' this year)
It's not that I forgot his birthday, just didn't post anything. (expect for preschool) We did celebrate for like 5 days. Ryan thought his birthday was the entire week. We let him think that, he is 4, no biggie! We had a birthday party for him with family. He got many great gifts and had a great time. He really enjoyed everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to him. Last year he was a bit shy, but this year was totally different. I think he really wanted everyone to sing it again to him. What a difference a year makes!

Ryan got this cool, pirate dress up kit! He was so excited because the brand name was "Ryan's Room"!

His birthday party was on the Sunday before his Birthday. We made sure to make his actual birthday very special too! It started with donuts for breakfast, with candles! May not seem like a big deal, but the kids do not have donuts for breakfast very often. Probably way Ryan requested it! He had to have candles in his donuts and Madison and I had to sing Happy Birthday to him! Yeah, he was KING for the day. Everything he wanted he got!!

After breakfast it was off to Crazy Bounce with the fab five and ALL the kids! Between all of us, we have 15 kids! WHEW.....The kids had a great time at Crazy Bounce! It was a lot of fun! I think even us adults had fun! I don't think us girls said more than 5 words to each other because we were too busy chasing our kids.....and that's the reason why we go out to dinner once a month, just us girls!! After Crazy Bounce we stopped at McDonald's for lunch. I let Ryan think that we were going there because it was want he wanted, but it was actually all in the plan. That kid loves McDonald's. Honestly I think he likes it because he gets a toy. But for some reason most of the time we go there, they are out of toys. (wink wink) By this time, I think we were all exhausted and ready for naps!

The Birthday Boy and The Birthday Girl!!

Ryan on the giant slide!

Sweet Little Teagan, such a doll

Honestly, it was all about food for these 2!
Mya, relaxing after a crazy morning!!
NOTE: Madison is not seen in many of the pictures because she wasn't feeling well. Come to find out she had a really bad ear infection! Poor Girl. Another reason the mother of the year award banquet was cancelled!!
Next, Ryan got to pick where he wanted to eat dinner. First he wanted McDonald's. (I reminded him we already ate there for lunch) Then he said Burger King, I told him it was closed! So, then he said he wanted to eat somewhere with peanuts and rolls. This narrowed it down to 2 places, Logan' s and Texas Roadhouse. Thank goodness he choose Texas Roadhouse! (Mike and I don't care for Logan's) He had his birthday dinner and then they brought out the saddle and sang Happy Birthday to him again!! He loved it!!

I still can't believe my baby boy is 4. Seems just like yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital. Time really does fly! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN MICHAEL! I LOVE YOU!!
I TOTALLLY will vote for you for mother of the year!!! I think you are top notch!!! You even supplied food for my kids...that is another 2 votes:)!!!!
Happy Birthday Ryan!!!!
I think birthday weeks should just be nationally recognized. I for one would LOVE getting gifts and special tretment for a week straight:)
Keep up on the posts, lady. Its nice to see you in blogland:)
Looks like Ryan had a great Birthday! Wish we could have been there.
Happy Birthday to Ryan! Looks like he had a lot of fun! I love that you told him Burger King was closed!
Aren't the kids birthdays so much fun? I love celebrating them! Also love Roadhouse, Ryan has good taste!
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