A few weeks ago, we decided to take the kids to the Zoo. Every year we try to go to the Zoo on Mother's Day. It's just something I love to do and the kids love it too! We get to John Ball Zoo, only to be turned away because they had a gas leak! They were evacuating the zoo and told us they should reopen in a few hours. We decided it would be the excellent time to feed our animals, since it was real close to Lunch time! It worked out perfectly. Ryan picked Applebees for lunch and then it was back to the zoo. By the time we got back, the zoo was open! The kids had a great time. They especially loved the petting zoo. We had to visit it twice. Ryan now thinks he can have goats, cows, and chickens in our backyard!! We headed to Holland from there so I could go shopping and the kids could feed the ducks. (That's the only way I get any shopping done, I have to promise them they can feed the ducks!

Madison feeding the birds! We couldn't get her out of the cage!

Ryan got his bird to get right on the stick! How cool!

If we could have fit this goat in the stroller, Ryan probably would have taken it home!
They had a blast!
On our way home, my brother called and asked if we wanted to go miniature golfing and go-karting. This was Madison's first time on a go-kart, and she LOVED it. She wanted to go again, and threw a fit when we walked away. Golfing 18 holes with 2 four year olds and a 1 year old was not so pleasant! Madison made it 3 maybe 4 holes. She would just go and drop her ball in the hole and clap and say "I did it!" Ryan would just put his ball close to the hole and try to putt it in!! That would take about 5 or 6 putts, so I can't imagine how long it would take him if he started where he was suppose to!

This is a favorite...look at her smile!
Mike trying to teach Ryan how to play!
She got a hole in one every time!! Look out Tiger Wood
The kids had a great time and the best part, they were exhausted and in bed early that night!!
Holy FUN!
Do you think you could have fit one more ounce of a good time in that day? Thats enough good stuff to last a month. You have very lucky children to have such amazing and fun-lovin parents:)
wow what a great day, and awesome pictures! love the pic of madison sound asleep...
so sweet!
your kids are so cute, Mandy! :) all looks like so much fun!
What fun! Looks like everyone had a great time!
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