Posted by Mandy at 11:24 AM 3 comments
The next picture is of Madison is about 8 months old. Like her brother she loves the shower too! I knew I had these two pictures of the kids, similar pictures and about the same age. What do you think....do they look alike. I can see a little similarities in the two, but to me they look totally different!!
Posted by Mandy at 10:40 AM 3 comments
Alright, I know I am not the only one, but we have been so excited for summer to get here! Well, I just can't believe it is already the 3rd day of June. As I look ahead, I just know this summer is going to fly by again! Our Calendar is already pretty busy until the end of July! Every weekend there is something going on! It's just crazy! It seems the summer months just fly by. We have some much we want to do and it seems we are already running out of time! Luckily, we didn't have any graduation parties this year and so far no weddings! WHEW!!
The only major event we have is Madison's 1st Birthday party! I have been planning for a couple weeks. The first birthday is such a special day. I think it took us about 2 months to plan Ryan's party, just to make sure everything is just so. Mike and I were talking about how special the 1st year of life is. You take a little baby who you bring home from the hospital and is totally dependent on you! You do everything for this little one! As the month's go by, your little one starts to grow......It's just amazing. Madison has went from being a precious bundle of joy to a little toddler who is starting to communicate and taking her first steps! It just amazes me! I just look at her and my heart melts! I know I am blessed to have two healthy and very active kids! I enjoy every minute of them! I love watching them grow, but hate how fast it goes by. Just shows us how we need to enjoy everything in the now!!! I hope everyone has a great summer!!!
Posted by Mandy at 11:10 AM 1 comments