They had a blast!

This is a favorite...look at her smile!

Mike trying to teach Ryan how to play!

She got a hole in one every time!! Look out Tiger Wood

They had a blast!
This is a favorite...look at her smile!
Mike trying to teach Ryan how to play!
She got a hole in one every time!! Look out Tiger Wood
Posted by Mandy at 11:30 AM 4 comments
I am trying to think of why I haven't been on blogger lately...sure we have been busy, but I just have not sat down and actually took the time to blog about what has been going on in our household! Ryan has been done with school for about 3 weeks, so that means no more running 2 days a week! We still have a play group in Whitehall at different playgrounds on Tuesday mornings, but the last 2 Tuesday mornings, the weather has been terrible! The kids really enjoy going to the playground, I love it because we come home and they are exhausted! Let's hope the weather will make a turn and it will be nice next Tuesday so we can continue on with our play group!
Mike finished his class last night! Such a relief for him! He starts another class in 2 weeks. He really wants to keep going on finishing his degree. You never know what can happen in this economy, and since his work pays for his school, he might just as well take advantage of it! It is a little different going to school when you have little ones at home and work 40+ hours a week. It makes the process draw out, but he will get there one day, I know he will! I will be the first one standing there to congratulate him!!
Ryan has been enjoying being able to play outside. His new love this summer is playing baseball! A boy after my own heart! We are constantly outside pitching balls to him. He is getting really good! Also, this year, Ryan and Mike planted a blueberry bush, strawberries, and a couple tomato plants (for Madison). We have gotten strawberries already, which makes Ryan very happy. He checks his plants and waters them everyday. He also planted some Sun Flowers...they are popping up and I can't wait to see them full grown!!
Madison, oh Madison! This girl is full of complete attitude! Wow! She sure does give us a run for our money! I wouldn't have it any other way! She is a chatterbox...talking in full sentences and has a lot to say! We went to the store the other day and on the way in, she said "Hey Mama. I am cold! I am freezing! I am frozen, I need my sweatshirt on!" I couldn't believe it..I was thinking, do you even know what you are saying?? hahahaha...she picks up everything she hears from Big Brother Ryan and the rest of the world around her!! We have been potty training for about the last month. She is doing really good! Hopefully we can get her trained by the end of summer! Not holding my breath, but we shall see!
As for me, I am just rolling with the motions! It's summer time! We are really busy in the summer, with everything going on! However, we do just love to sit back and relax and do nothing at all!
I have been planning Madison's birthday party which is in July! I decided to make the invites this year...so that took awhile! Don't get too excited, it's not much, but I thought it was a cute idea! I am still working on Mike to let me have ponies in the backyard for her birthday party....it doesn't look too promising though! She only turns 2 once, right?!?
Well, that is US in a nutshell. Nothing real exciting. I promise to get on the ball and get some new pictures of the kids on here!! Hope everyone has a great summer!! Enjoy it now, because before you know it, it will be over!!
Posted by Mandy at 6:14 AM 4 comments